What is involved?

After booking a consultation you will be sent a health questionnaire to complete. This contains essential information about your background, lifestyle and relationship with food, as well as a 3-day food diary to provide a picture of your current state of wellbeing and how I might be able to help.

Following each consultation you will be provided with a detailed diet and lifestyle plan including personalised recommendations, meal suggestions and further resources for you to take away. Consultation packages also include a 15min support call in between sessions to answer any questions you may have and provide further help as needed.

Consultation fees


Initial consultation

60mins £125

We will go through the answers to your health questionnaire in detail and determine the main areas you would like to focus on.

I will provide a summary of potential imbalances, dietary changes to try and we may discuss supplements or functional tests to help guide next steps.


Follow-up consultation

45mins £90

We will review your progress and discuss the results of any tests completed, to pinpoint what to focus on going forwards to help you meet your goal.



2 consultations £195

(initial, follow-up, 1 x 15min support call)

3 consultations £275

(initial, 2 x follow-ups, 2 x 15min support calls)


Bespoke programmes

Do you have a long term health goal in mind that you are prepared to spend time working towards?

Please contact me for more information on designing a tailored consultation plan which fits with your needs.


Consultations are available Thursday afternoons or on weekends, online or in-person at Oru in East Dulwich.